Poster for Safe Social to depict the idea of not sharing passwords of social media to anyone. The bicycle depicts a commodity which can be shared and is social in every nature and is something we should share but not passwords.
Safe-Social was the poster created for awareness of password theft. It was one of the many IT threats that are prone to us these days. The idea was simple. Do not share passwords.
Lot of sketching and thought process has gone through while creating this. I basically wanted a metal board washed out look and feel. The one we usually see near millitary area, beaches and creeks awaring of hazards.

Inspirations for the metal texture and the metal rusted warning boards.

A rough sketch for the themes and thoughts. Currently trying to pin down different ways and options I want to use to finish the poster.

Some other thoughts that I was reviewing.

The Final look that I selected and started to sketch and add color themes which I wanted to follow.

Getting ready with the base

Addition of grunge texture

Adding image that would depict the main theme of the poster.

Further Additions

Adding the password box

Adding more texts to support the cause of the poster.

The final poster after adding more elements of rust nails and arrows to depict the theme.

The Final Version for the Poster.